“Typollution” is an animated film using only type to show the effects of pollution on the environment, using the song "Nostrand" by Ratatat to set the flow of the video and was directed by Olivier Beaudoin.This animated video is a great interpretation of Beaudoin’s view of pollution and what effects it is having on all living creatures. The start of the video shows rain falling to the ground, then many flowers start to grow, then a large tree with leaves. Soon a small forest has grown, and animals have been created, such as snails and butterflies. Then as the music starts to climax, a large “H” rips up through the ground, destroying a tree, then all these large letter start ripping up the forest to make way for a road. Then a factory that is creating smoke is blowing up into the air, then black and intimidating black clouds form and leaves start to fall off the tree to show they are dying from the pollution, it is then revealed that the leaves are made out of question marks, which end up being the last thing you see on the video. These clouds then destroy everything, including the factories creating the smoke.
The use of characters in the same Arial font is very well done. The music in this animation certainly has a major part in the video, it starts off rather calm and soothing, and as soon as the letters shoot up it gets slightly faster with a more heavier beat and bass line which creates tension.
I liked the video as it very powerful in showing how humanity is killing the forest, even though we don’t like to call it killing, we call it “industry”, and that soon our own creations will be our demise.
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